Bogdan's picture

Hello, I'm Bogdan.I'm a web development enthusiast.

About me

My name is Bogdan, and I am from Brasov, Romania. Some time ago, I decided to embark on a career switch, and in the second half of 2022, I started focusing on becoming proficient with JavaScript.

I'm confident enough to say that I now possess a comprehensive understanding of the web development ecosystem. I've been constantly expanding my developer toolkit and working towards building a strong foundation in both front-end and back-end development. This involves mastering JavaScript and acquiring skills and tools such as HTML, CSS, React, Next.js, TypeScript, Git, Node, Express, MongoDB, or Supabase.

I participated as a trainee in several front-end development programs, a journey that enabled me to learn from top mentors and industry experts through regular interactive Q&A sessions. These programs were fast-paced and intensive, enriched with practical assignments and mentor guidance. They fostered a dynamic learning environment within a diverse international group of participants and experts from around the globe.

You might say that I'm always curious and eager to learn new things, and you would be 100 percent right :).

Besides learning, I love sports and traveling to sunny places.

My ever-growing arsenal of skills and tools:

javascript logoreact logonext js logohtml 5 logocss 3 logotailwind css logotypescript logogit logonode js logoexpress js logosupabase logomongo db logo



A project I'm currently building and that I'm continually updating - a digital storefront for a fictitious furniture retailer known as "homeRlax".

homeRlax app screenshot
WhereIsVor app screenshot


WhereIsVor was a collaborative project in which I participated as part of the "Generatia Tech" program, an initiative by Digital Nation. Employing Vanilla JS, my task involved linking the frontend to an API to retrieve data on water sources. Subsequently, I integrated a map filled with the fetched information and introduced interactivity to the "Sources" and "Source Details" pages.


A Next.js application designed to provide users with a platform for searching and saving information about cities to explore, accessible after authentication. The data is securely stored in a database for future reference. For complete access, including login credentials, please refer to the readme file in the GitHub repository.

Travelzilla app screenshot
FunFactsBlog app screenshot


A fun little facts blog built with Node, Express, MongoDB, and Mongoose on the backend, accompanied by a touch of Vanilla JS on the frontend.

More projects...

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